Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God never gives up on me.

I am continually amazed that God doesn't just give up on me. I have been so frustrated lately with people (very smart people) around me not being able to see what is right in front of them. For example, when studying spectroscopy we first delve into the failures of classical physics which leads of course to a study of quantum mechanics. In QM, and everywhere else in God's creation, there are numbers that show up over and over again in seemingly unrelated experiments and measurements. Very specific numbers like Planck's constant, pi, and many more...when professors and students do the math and get these numbers their jaws drop in amazement. "Wow, how can this be?" and "doesn't that bother you?" are just a few things I've heard professors say about these "coincidences". OF COURSE IT BLOWS YOUR MIND...YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS IS ALL AN ACCIDENT, I want to yell. No it doesn't bother me, I know that God is a brilliant mind and He made the mathematics of the universe beautiful on PURPOSE!!! Imagine that. He enjoys it when we study His creation and marvel at it. These are clues that there is a CREATOR...GET A CLUE.

Both of my current classes are frustrating me. Take biochem. for another,shorter, example. The chemistry of cells is mind blowing. Don't believe me? Look at a simple bacteria and how it functions. Imagine now what is going on in the human body. The chapters in the text explain all of the details of peptide synthesis etc. and then reach the conclusion of wow...it took a really long time for evolution to make this happen. That's when it's my turn to think WOW doesn't THAT bother YOU?!? Didn't they just study the same thing that I did? Yet they are making the ABSURD claim that this just happened. Nothing caused it and it has no real purpose.

My BIG point: I have really been letting this get me MAD. I prayed about it yesterday and then God spoke to me in I Corinthians 1. Go ahead read it and consider what I've been mad about. 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
1:20 Where [is] the wise? where [is] the scribe? where [is] the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
Now I feel foolish because I let this make me mad and I know better.

Thanks God for continuing to show me the REAL TRUTH.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I've heard it said many times that if the devil can't make you "bad" he'll make you busy. I am coming to believe that this is true. And I think that some of the busy-ness can make you "bad". Distractions-whether they be in the form of work, school, kids, marriage, or football, can be a wonderful outlet or a way to ensure that we aren't spending time alone with God. I have noticed lately that my most spoken phrases are "I am so tired" and "I have no time". God show me new ways to prioritize my time.
Gotta go-I should be studying or cleaning the ion gauge in the mass spectrometer or tutoring and I need to eat at some point today.